Today was the kind of day that makes the bad days worth it. The most exiting moment was having one of the PhD students - Priya- come into my office positively bouncing with this: For the record - it wasn't the chocolate that made it special (although that never hurts!) - It turns out she was awarded the Tri Campus Postgraduate Award for which I nominated her! Very prestigious award and very well deserved! The awards are based on both academic and community contributions and she is extremely active in both areas. Not only that, she does it in the absence of her primary supervisor who left just after she started so she has shown excellent initiative.
I've watched Priya since the first year of her PhD when I was the senior post-doc in the lab and (at the risk of sounding patronising) I'm so proud of what she has achieved! There will be news articles which I'll share too when they come out. My other (far less exciting) good moment is that a newsy short summary of our review has just gone online at the Atlas of Science: Always a good exercise to distil out the key point of why we wrote something for a more general audience! |
AuthorAmanda Rasmussen Archives
May 2023
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