Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses
Module/Course Convenor:
BIOS3015 Plants and the Soil Environment (3rd year UG; since spring 2018).
BIOS1060 GIS for Environmental Management (1st year UG; compulsory module I developed from scratch, since 2023).
Module/Course Contributor:
BIOS1055 Environmental Management (1st year UG environmental biology students; since 2020) lecture on grasslands and plant labs
BIOS2089 Field Skills (2nd year UG since 2019); Train the students in basic plant ID traits and students make their own dichotomous plant key.
BIOS2080 Forest Ecology (2nd year UG since 2019); Lecture on fire adaptation, Teaching UK tree ID (developed a local tree key and 'Treesure hunt' using ActionBound to support their training - particularly for COVID years where in person sessions were difficult); lecture on fire ecology (Australian case study).
BIOS2071 Environmental Science In Practice (2nd year UG since 2018) mark presentations.
Past contributions
LIFE1030 Life on Earth (1st year UG; 200+ students; 2016 - 2023); I run the first plant practical teaching students observational skills to make their own plant key in a lab before using their key outside.
BIOS1011 Tutorials in Environmental Science (1st year UG; 2015 - 2022); teaching key skills around finding and using literature, data presentation and writing scientific reports.
BIOS2026 Applied Plant Physiology (2nd year UG; 2017 - 2021); I give two two-hour lectures on water movement in plants and an introduction to hormone physiology.
Convened: C112P1 Plant Science (1st year UG; springs of 2018 and 2019).
D224E5 Research and Professional Skills for Environmental Scientists (2nd year UG; 2015 - current); training students presentation skills through practice talks and feedback before the formal marked presentations; two two-hour sessions.
C135E8 Arctic Ecology Field Course (3rd year UG; summers 2017 and 2018); one-week field trip to Abisko, Sweden.
D24C08 Resource Capture by Crops (PG Masters; 2016 - current); 2 hour lecture on theory and methods for measuring water movement in plants and help score and mediate a debate at the end of semester.
BIOS3015 Plants and the Soil Environment (3rd year UG; since spring 2018).
BIOS1060 GIS for Environmental Management (1st year UG; compulsory module I developed from scratch, since 2023).
Module/Course Contributor:
BIOS1055 Environmental Management (1st year UG environmental biology students; since 2020) lecture on grasslands and plant labs
BIOS2089 Field Skills (2nd year UG since 2019); Train the students in basic plant ID traits and students make their own dichotomous plant key.
BIOS2080 Forest Ecology (2nd year UG since 2019); Lecture on fire adaptation, Teaching UK tree ID (developed a local tree key and 'Treesure hunt' using ActionBound to support their training - particularly for COVID years where in person sessions were difficult); lecture on fire ecology (Australian case study).
BIOS2071 Environmental Science In Practice (2nd year UG since 2018) mark presentations.
Past contributions
LIFE1030 Life on Earth (1st year UG; 200+ students; 2016 - 2023); I run the first plant practical teaching students observational skills to make their own plant key in a lab before using their key outside.
BIOS1011 Tutorials in Environmental Science (1st year UG; 2015 - 2022); teaching key skills around finding and using literature, data presentation and writing scientific reports.
BIOS2026 Applied Plant Physiology (2nd year UG; 2017 - 2021); I give two two-hour lectures on water movement in plants and an introduction to hormone physiology.
Convened: C112P1 Plant Science (1st year UG; springs of 2018 and 2019).
D224E5 Research and Professional Skills for Environmental Scientists (2nd year UG; 2015 - current); training students presentation skills through practice talks and feedback before the formal marked presentations; two two-hour sessions.
C135E8 Arctic Ecology Field Course (3rd year UG; summers 2017 and 2018); one-week field trip to Abisko, Sweden.
D24C08 Resource Capture by Crops (PG Masters; 2016 - current); 2 hour lecture on theory and methods for measuring water movement in plants and help score and mediate a debate at the end of semester.