Functional differences between maize root types
Functional differences between maize root types - nutrient uptake and responses
According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) there are currently almost 800 million people without an adequate food supply. To feed everyone, food production needs to increase by more than 60% by 2050 in the face of increased extreme weather events such as floods. Furthermore we need to achieve this using less fertiliser because up to 70% of applied fertiliser ends up in waterways where it increases toxic algal blooms, polluting the environment. In order to grow food with less fertiliser applications we need to improve how well plants take up and use nutrients. Improving nutrient uptake will not only help reduce fertiliser applications but will also improve yield on nutrient-poor soils in developing countries.
Plant roots are responsible for nutrient uptake and consequently play an important role in the resilience and productivity of crops. Cereal root systems are particularly interesting because unlike a tree with a tap root which branches into side roots, cereal crops depend on roots that grow from the stem. These stem formed roots are similar to roots that form on stem cuttings from garden plants. Past research has treated cereal crop roots like tap or side roots. This is a problem because recent research has shown that stem formed roots are quite different. However what’s unknown is whether these root types have different functions such as in nutrient uptake from the soil. If we are to improve food production using less fertiliser understanding this is crucial. This is the focus of this research project.
Globally, corn is one of the most widely used grain for food production and is also important for fodder and biofuels. Corn is also an ideal species for studying stem root types because it grows several different types including crown (below ground) and brace (above ground) roots. Because of these factors, corn is the plant we are using to measure nutrient uptake and response in different root types
Since very little is known about growth patterns of roots, the timing and stages of maize root development will be recorded in soil containing different nutrient levels. At The University of Nottingham it is possible to see the roots in the soil using a form of x-ray called microCT scanning. This technique allows us to separate the roots from soil and we can image the same plant multiple times meaning we can observe root growth over time.
Using special forms of nutrient which we can track in the plant, we can also measure how well each root type takes up nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur. This is important because if we want to select the best root system for a particular environment we also need to know how well they can use the available resources. In addition, nutrient uptake in roots occurs through channels which are controlled by particular genes. By measuring these genes we can find out if changes in nutrient uptake are due to changes in the number of channels.
This research will improve our understanding of the functioning of an important class of roots in our most important cereal crops. Understanding how these roots respond to different environments will allow us to breed more effective crops to improve food production more sustainably
According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) there are currently almost 800 million people without an adequate food supply. To feed everyone, food production needs to increase by more than 60% by 2050 in the face of increased extreme weather events such as floods. Furthermore we need to achieve this using less fertiliser because up to 70% of applied fertiliser ends up in waterways where it increases toxic algal blooms, polluting the environment. In order to grow food with less fertiliser applications we need to improve how well plants take up and use nutrients. Improving nutrient uptake will not only help reduce fertiliser applications but will also improve yield on nutrient-poor soils in developing countries.
Plant roots are responsible for nutrient uptake and consequently play an important role in the resilience and productivity of crops. Cereal root systems are particularly interesting because unlike a tree with a tap root which branches into side roots, cereal crops depend on roots that grow from the stem. These stem formed roots are similar to roots that form on stem cuttings from garden plants. Past research has treated cereal crop roots like tap or side roots. This is a problem because recent research has shown that stem formed roots are quite different. However what’s unknown is whether these root types have different functions such as in nutrient uptake from the soil. If we are to improve food production using less fertiliser understanding this is crucial. This is the focus of this research project.
Globally, corn is one of the most widely used grain for food production and is also important for fodder and biofuels. Corn is also an ideal species for studying stem root types because it grows several different types including crown (below ground) and brace (above ground) roots. Because of these factors, corn is the plant we are using to measure nutrient uptake and response in different root types
Since very little is known about growth patterns of roots, the timing and stages of maize root development will be recorded in soil containing different nutrient levels. At The University of Nottingham it is possible to see the roots in the soil using a form of x-ray called microCT scanning. This technique allows us to separate the roots from soil and we can image the same plant multiple times meaning we can observe root growth over time.
Using special forms of nutrient which we can track in the plant, we can also measure how well each root type takes up nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur. This is important because if we want to select the best root system for a particular environment we also need to know how well they can use the available resources. In addition, nutrient uptake in roots occurs through channels which are controlled by particular genes. By measuring these genes we can find out if changes in nutrient uptake are due to changes in the number of channels.
This research will improve our understanding of the functioning of an important class of roots in our most important cereal crops. Understanding how these roots respond to different environments will allow us to breed more effective crops to improve food production more sustainably