Research Papers
Science is not done until it's published! Eca sees writing as part of the scientific process and enjoys formalising the ideas and findings from experiments into a communicated format. Lately that joy has been reshaped towards guiding her students with their writing and interpretation. She strives to get a balance between guidance and taking over, reigning in some of the excitement in results to allow them to have that journey!
Research papers are of course the bread and butter of institutional expectations. Although the science and dissemination of those findings are inspirational enough as a personal drive for Eca, she struggles to manage the institutional pressures imposed.
With other commitments she worries she is not giving enough support. Additionally although she is fighting against transferring the institutional pressure onto students, she worries that during meetings she takes over too much in the interest of time and deadlines….
Happily her team are progressing well and producing good results. Research papers from her students are now in press with more in preparation. Reading drafts has been a bright break from marking undergraduate writing!
Happily her team are progressing well and producing good results. Research papers from her students are now in press with more in preparation. Reading drafts has been a bright break from marking undergraduate writing!